Witches’ Broom
The broomstick is associated within the domestic space and witches in flight. The image of a naked woman flying on a broomstick was a literal translation of a psychedelic trip. A flying salve was developed from ancient pharmacological knowledge, using a combination of medicinal plants; Nightshade, Henbane, Mandrake and Jimsonweed. The tripper bypassed consuming the concoction orally due to the nauseating effects. The staff was anointed with the ‘bitches brew’ and physical contact was made for quick absorption through the sweat glands, mucus membranes, rectum and vaginal areas .
The sacred sacrament altered consciousness into a psychedelic liminal space where the veil between dimensions is thin. The peacock embodies avian shamanic flight for many cultural and religious rites. The brooms’ bristles are made up of one thousand feathers, representing the crown chakra made from the thousand petaled lotus the highest state of consciousness. And the staff is made from a digitally scanned Palo Santo smudge stick, carved from a felled tree limb.
Witches Broom
1000 Peacock feathers, chestnut wood digitally carved and burned to mimic Palo Santo smudge stick, wire armature with suede, wood and grass rope.
90 x 120 in. dia.