Giving The Wild Form

The Wild Man is an archetype inspired by the cultural renewal of the new age men’s movement from the 80’s & 90’s. The poet and author, Robert Bly’s retelling of the German folk tale, ’Iron John’, is the story that created the mythopoetic men’s movement for the first wave generation.

Bly and other founders speculated the reason men in our culture are so wounded is because we do not have the cultural traditions that initiate a boy to a man. We are culturally homeless and have had to appropriate traditional indigenous and shamanic mythology. And ritualistic, initiatory acts of transformation.

The wild man is a symbol of the initiator of the sacred masculine. The wild man exist outside of patriarchy. What happens in the souls of men affects both culture and nature.

Wild Man
Horse hair, patinated bronze, nylon mesh and thread on top of wooden pedestal
85 x 36 x 27 in.


Witches Broom